Hello everyone, here a delicious recipe of Crème Caramel ??
You have to respect every process to have a perfect Crème Caramel, i have tried and tried to made this recipe, and here it is ! Delicious ! ??

Made with the Cook Expert Magimix.


250 g sugar
50 g water
1 table spoon of lemon juice
120 water

Put the sugar, lemon juice and 50 g of water in a stainless steel pan
Cook on medium-high heat
Remove from heat when the caramel turn into a nice amber colour
Add the 120 g of water
Be careful not to burn yourself
Return over medium heat for about ten minutes, stirring
The caramel will thicken slightly
Remove from heat and set aside

Pour a spoon of caramel into 5 ramekins
Set the ramekins in the fridge

Put the extra caramel in a jam jar and keep it in the fridge for the next one



250 g milk
250 g semi-thick whole cream
90 g sugar
1 g vanilla caviar or 1 pod
7 eggs yolk

Put milk, semi-thick whole cream, sugar and vanilla caviar (or the seeds of a vanilla pod) into the Cook Expert stainless steel bowl
Run EXPERT / 1 min / SPEED 7 / 110°C
Re-run EXPERT / 10 min / SPEED 1A / 110°C
Remove the lid and allow the mixture to cool for about 15 minutes

Preheat oven to 120°C

Run EXPERT / 3 min / SPEED 5 / 0°C
During the program, add the egg yolks through the opening

Pour through a fine-mesh sieve
Remove the ramekins from the fridge and pour the cream over

In a large dish, put a sheet of baking paper at the bottom
Place the ramekins in the dish
Pour water (at room temperature) into the dish until 3/4 of the ramekins

Bake for 1 hour at 120°C
Turn oven in grill mode about 1 min to brown the top
Be careful not to burn the top, with my oven it takes less than a minute
Allow to cool to room temperature before refrigerating



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