I made and tested a lot of strawberry pie, an I finally found THE recipe !

Made with the Cook Expert from Magimix.


175 g cold butter (do not use butter at room temperature)
125 g icing sugar
30 g ground almonds
1 egg
1 g vanilla caviar (or 1/2 vanilla pod)
310 g flour T45
1 pinch of salt

Put all the ingredients into the Cook Expert stainless steel bowl
If you mix more than this automatic program, the butter will melt... So don't !
Roll out beetween two greaseproof papers
Refrigerate it at least 2 hours

Preheat your oven at 170°C

Line the pastry into a stainless steel square tart ring (20x20 cm)
Poke the pastry with a fork in the bottom in order to keep it from bubbling up
Bake blind for 20 min at 170°C
Cool on a wire rack
Let it cool completely


2 g vanilla caviar (or 1 vanilla pod)
175 g milk
15 g corn starch
40 g sugar
2 egg  yolks
17 g butter

Put the egg yolks, the sugar, the milk, the corn starch and the vanilla caviar into the Cook Expert stainless steel bowl
Run EXPERT / 12 min / SPEED 4 / 85°C

Add the butter into the stainless steel bowl
Run EXPERT / 1 min / SPEED 4 / 85°C


200 g semi thick whole cream 30% fat (or whipping cream 35%)
20 g icing sugar
1 g vanilla caviar (or 1 vanilla pod)

Place the Cook Expert stainless steel bowl and the egg whisk in the fridge for 30 min
Place the semi thick whole cream in the freezer for 5 min

Place the semi thick whole cream in the Cook Expert stainless steel bowl
Run EXPERT / 2 min / SPEED 7 / 0°C
Add the icing sugar and the vanilla
Run EXPERT / 2 min / SPEED 7 / 0°C
Put the whipped cream into a pastry bag fitted with a 14 mm round tip


300 g strawberries
Crushed pistachio
Icing sugar

Wash and hull the strawberries, cut in half lengthwise
Setthe pastry on a plate
Whisk the custard until smooth
Spread into an even layer in the pastry

Pipe the whipped cream into small balls on the pastry cream
Arrange strawberry halves on the whipped cream
Placer vos fraises sur les billes de chantilly
Sprinkle with crushed pistachio
Sprinkle with icing sugar
Let it cool at least 1h in the fridge before serving


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